Heart Button Reinvention Roadmaps for Toddler
Push the right buttons for the Reinvention Roadmaps and targeted behaviors that interest you.
- A 100-year life Legacy – Offer “foods for life”
- Celebration – Transition from bottle to cup, introduce cow’s milk, allow children to feed themselves
- Gifts from the Heart – More fruits and vegetables, less high-calorie foods
- Insurance Policy – Offer orange juice with meat, offer leafy green vegetables, take a daily multivitamin/ mineral supplement with iron, prepare foods in a cast-iron skillet, limit high-caffeine foods like tea, cola and chocolate
- Living Legacy – Offer water, instead of soda, to children
- Make Memories – Promote activity, not food, to combat boredom
- Marry, Date, Ditch – Eat more vegetables
- Memories and Life Lessons – Be more active, limit screen time
- Slim by Design – Eat more fruits and vegetables
- Talking: It’s What’s for Dinner – Enjoy family meals
- The Power Hour – Enjoy family meals
- The Veggieland Game – Eat more vegetables
- Time Capsule – Brush teeth, wipe gums, and offer water instead of soda