Heart Button Research
Become familiar with the three key emotional drivers for WIC clients.
Focus on the emotional drivers of expectant mothers and mothers with young children.
Research conducted over several years with WIC clients in two locations determined how to implement Heart Button counseling effectively.
Objectives: Primary objective was to determine which Heart Buttons would be most effective in driving behavior change among clients.
Methodology: A series of 15 focus groups were conducted with Chickasaw Nation and Texas WIC. Each session lasted approximately two hours and included five to six WIC clients. Sessions were segmented by pregnancy status and age of children. Projective techniques (questions with no single, “right” answer) were used to uncover key Heart Buttons.
Results: Three interrelated Heart Buttons registered above all others in importance: reinvention, family values, and nurture. Further information on each of these drivers, and an in-depth look at the focus groups, are available by pushing the appropriate buttons at the top.
Conclusion: Clients possess several powerful Heart Buttons that we can rely on to trigger behavior change.